Sunday, September 25, 2011


We went on a nice bike ride last weekend.  Hunter had so much fun.  He got to see all kinds of animals while on our ride.

Kelly, Emma, Hunter, and I walked from Kelly's house to the pet store (and Farm Fresh). Hunter had a great time looking at the turtles and all the fish.

Waiting to get his shots.  He just kept climbing up and down the steps.

This came down out of the tree during the rain storm on Friday.  Dominion Power came out and said, "Not a power line.  You will have to call the cable company."  Cox Cable was suppose to come out between 8-10 on Saturday... oh, but when I called at 10:30 apparently there was never an order put in.  Ugh.  Carl was able to get the branch off of the cables, but we still have the cable hanging down in the yard.  Monday it is suppose to be taken care of.

These two rainbows (you can barely see the one on the right) showed up after the storm.

Watching some football with Daddy.

Hunter loves TLG.  I love to watch him play and grow.  He knows the routine of the class and I think that is awesome.  He claps along, puts things away when the song is sung, and loves to "help" Sarah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great iphone photos. Love that rainbow shot.