Tuesday, October 26, 2010

4 Month Check Up

Today we went for Hunter's 4 month check-up. Carl and I compile a list of questions to ask our pediatrician in the months between each appointment. The biggest concern this check-up was his terrible skin rash. We will come back to that. It always makes me upset with the shots. Hunter was just soooo happy laughing and smiling at us and at the pediatrician. Then the nurses came in and it was like he knew. He knew they were going to stick him with needles and he did not like it. He gave them the evil eye. Then they stuck him and he cried that terrible cry. My eyes only watered this time, but he would not calm down until we left that room. Anyways... here is a summary of how the appointment went:

*Hunter is 16 pounds even. 75th percentile. He is 26 1/2 inches long. 90th percentile.
*He has a very bad milk and soy protein allergy. I have mentioned this in the past. But it has gotten worse. His poor skin looks terrible. This concerned our pediatrician and now Hunter has to be on either Alimentum or Nutramigen. We have started with the Nutramigen (you get more for your money). We will give it a few days to see if it is helping before we try the Alimentum. The pediatrician also suggested we use Dove Sensitive Skin body wash on him. So tonight we will be using that.
*Due to his allergy, we cannot start cereal until he is 6 months. I wasn't going to start it before he gave us the okay because I know the terrible food aversions that can happen if you start babies too early on food. We also cannot feed him eggs, peanut butter, shell fish, and one other thing (I wrote it down) until he is at least 1.
*This skin rash may develop into eczema. Because of this, he could also have asthma (the pediatrician say they are related... hence why they sound alike).
*He received 2 shots and an oral vaccine today. :/
*Pediatrician says he is looking great and developing nicely.

In other news... he has been rolling from front to back (and clearing his arm) and back to front for the past week very well. He gets frustrated with himself when he gets on his belly because he doesn't really want to be there.

The past two nights he has unswaddled himself and we have had to reswaddle him so he would go back to sleep. I have also found him with his butt in the corner of his crib, feet straight in the air in the morning. Silly kid.

He puts himself to sleep and down for naps now (for the most part). Here is how he puts himself to sleep for naps:


Anonymous said...

Aww! So cute. Sorry about his allergies.

Tiffany said...

Thanks :] I'm just glad everything got figured out before he started showing other signs.