We've had a lot of first over the past couple of weeks...
Hunter had his first beach day. He wasn't a big fan of the water; I'm not sure if it was because a) he was hungry; b) it was loud (the water that is) or; c) the water was too cold.
He spent most of the time doing this:
And this:
And this (same with Molly, minus the bottle):
And he chatted with cousin Kaylee. Molly was very concerned with his location throughout the day and would "search" for him. When I say search, she would run around yelling, "Unter?!" while running from random person to random person. She also visited with many people.
Hunter also went to The Little Gym for the first time last week. He loved it. He is the youngest (by far) since we are one age group above his group (we can't make it to any of those classes since they are during the week, during the day), but he loves to watch the older kids. He smiles and laughs at them. We modify the skills for him. We went to the second class today and have yet to make it through balls and bubbles. The first day he fell asleep (watching kids is a lot of work) and today he got hungry. We will make it the whole class one day. :]
We are playing kickball again. I'm not sure if I had mentioned it before we got pregnant, but we had played last year. Our team was not the best. We lost lots of games and gave a lot of run. I am happy to say that we had our first game last week and won.. and we won last night! We are in first right now (I know, we are only 2 days in) because we have scored so many runs.
*Can you tell I haven't seen the sun all summer?!*
Borrowed from Ashley
And I have had my first 2 weeks of work with the kids there. I love it. It is very different from my internship at CHKD or the Traumatic Brain Injury Rehab Center, but I'm adjusting. It is a lot of legal stuff, keeping up with time-lines, and lots of paperwork. But seriously, what kind of job lets you leave at 2:35? Oh yeah, mine! :]
Hunter also finally lifted his head up from being on his tummy! For a while he has been holding it up while sitting up and looking around. I was concerned about him not lifting it from the ground. Kelly did point out he has a pretty big head and his neck is very tiny. I guess it would be a lot of work to lift that boulder up! Sorry, no picture of it :/
*He is now too big for hoodie towels. So, I had to take a picture of him using one for the last time :[ Can time please slow down?!*
I'm sure the next time I update it will be after one of my best friends gets married! :] We have 2 busy weekends coming up. Eeek! 2 weeks Ash! :]